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On The Town Dock

News and updates from around the state about life on the coast and boatbuilding.

View from the Porch - Issue 128

Wind wars, global warming, and waterfront access

View from the Porch - Issue 127

Mutant Lobsters, Aliens, and Broken Buoys

View from the Porch - Issue 126

Big Fish, Little Fish and - brace yourself, folks - Frankenfish!

View from the Porch - Issue 125

All Critters Great and Small, and a New Definition of Boat Shoes.

View from the Porch - Issue 124

Ice, Booze, and News (and other interesting tidbits, not necessarily in that order).

View from the Porch - Issue 123

Cold summer camps, torrefying developments, news from the sea, and other memorable matters.

View from the Porch - Issue 122

A couple of headlines avec les entendres doubles and other memorable matters.

View from the Porch - Issue 121

The Season of Guilty Pleasures

View from the Porch - Issue 120

Boat driving, whale spotting, and thinking that ACFB should be declared the official Maine State Alcoholic Beverage.

View from the Porch - Issue 119

Maine boatbuilders on display, mackerel economics, and “Honey, they shrank the shrimp season!”

View from the Porch - Issue 117

A $12 Million “Camp,” a T-Boned Thumb, a Torpedoed Chief, and a Honeymoon That Is Now Over

View from the Porch - Issue 116

Ghost Traps, Glass Eels, and Birds for the Boomers

View from the Porch - Issue 115

Bill is Back, So is Reality on the Lobster Docks

View from the Porch - Issue 114

Superyachting news, Winslow Homer’s hues, and a little ditty to kick off the spring season

View from the Porch - Issue 113

Yacht spotting, dock walking, biathlon talking, casino knocking