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Mildred Burrage’s War

A Maine artist’s volunteer efforts and posters helped to make World War II shipbuilding work in South Portland safer for women laborers.

The Art of Safeguarding the Shoreline

A landscape architect teams up with seasoned rock sculptors to build a Washington County seawall designed to weather future coastal storms.

Camden Buoy Data to Drive Waterfront Decisions

Buoys collect localized wave and wind data for Camden Harbor in the hopes that town officials can make informed waterfront resiliency decisions.

Campaigning 1913 Style: William Jennings Bryan

A political tour by automobile

Marine School Lands a New President

New leadership at The Landing School in Arundel

A Stonington Sea Captain’s Legacy

Attic treasures provide a new glimpse into the life of a Stonington sea captain

Bass Harbor

A trip to Bass Harbor is a visit to the quiet side of Mount Desert Island

When Lynn Lugged the Lobsters

A three-generation Long Island seafood company relied on what is believed to be the last Maine-built lobster smack and a pair of retired and refit naval vessels to deliver downeast lobsters to New Yorkers

The Birdman of Northern Maine

In Northern Maine, Bill Sheehan is a bird’s best friend

A World War I Sailor’s Journal Documents the Armistice

A seaman’s journal tells of the day the fighting stopped, marking the end of World War I

Husking Corn, Farmington, Maine

A glimpse back at Maine's harvest season

South Bristol

Near the tip of the western branch of the Pemaquid peninsula, South Bristol is a popular summer playground that’s loaded with history and open spaces.

Charles Sampson Carved a Legacy in Bath

Bath figurehead carver Charles Sampson’s work adorned a fleet of Maine-built ships that set to sea in the late 1800s.

Weaving the Past into the Future of Thomaston

Original weaving machinery from the 19th-century Knox Woolen Mill in Camden today produces high-tech gear just down the road in Thomaston.

North Haven’s Swordfish

A North Haven swordfish sculpture leaps out of the past to engage with the island community.