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Letters to the Editor - Issue 137
Zephyr - Issue 137
A Letter to the Editor - Issue 137
Maine's windjammers: iconic symbols of the coast
Spending time on the water in Maine is a feast for the senses that can leave you hungry for more… food that is.
Exploring life on Maine islands through the eyes of summer and year-round children in this photo essay by Patrisha McLean.
Until now, foul-weather gear, designed to keep people dry even in the worst weather on the water, has been sized only for men. Genevieve McDonald went on a crusade to fix that problem.
As a child, Ben Emory heard many wonderful stories about his parents’ Herreshoff Fish. He now owns one himself and considers it to be sailing perfection.
Passamaquoddy basket maker Jeremy Frey has earned a national reputation for his elegant and innovative work, and in the process brought attention to the artwork of other Native Americans in Maine.
A Letter from the Publisher – Issue 136
Rowing shells, ties to the Arctic, a Whaler Rendezvous and more
Donald Tofias, the visionary behind some of the most gorgeous cold-molded wooden yachts built in Maine in recent years, is at it again with a new daysailer designed for shallow-water sailing.
Conservationists want us to eat so-called “trash” fish, such as skate, as a way to help save overfished species. Cookbook author Nancy Harmon Jenkins explains that skate is actually delicious and quite easy to cook.
Clamming is a hard way to make a living and the people who do it must be tough. Author Jon Keller spent several years clamming downeast before writing his recent novel <em>Of Sea and Cloud</em>.
Carter and Pattie
Ocean swimming, a late-summer bounty from the garden, and apple harvest time in this installment of Rob McCall's Awanadjo Almanack.

Photographs by Lisa Tyson Ennis

White Paper: Maine's lobster fishery has thus far defied the odds.
White Paper: How tradition has shaped Maine boatbuilding.
Issue 93 - Two artists, two different times, a similar eye for boats.
Publisher's Letter - Issue 94
Real Mainers, mutant lobsters, and the internationally acclaimed Chronicles of Crime, Downeast Division.
Take a trip to Penobscot, Maine and try the Crab Roll at Bagaduce Lunch