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Janet Mendelsohn

Contributing Editor

Birdwatching in Maine is about learning, appreciating nature, venturing to new locales, and seeing those spectacular birds.
The town of Wells is home to the only National Estuarine Research Reserve in Maine, which is open to the public and the site of scientific research.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was happiest on Campobello Island, which straddles the border between Maine and Canada. The 50th anniversary of Roosevelt-Campobello International Park, the centerpiece of which is the former first family’s 34-room, red-shingled summer “cottage,” was in 2014.
An architectural firm partnered with a modular homebuilder to come up with cost-effective and energy-efficient homes.
Not just hand-warmers, these patterns replicate the mittens once worn by Maine and Maritime fishermen and farmers. They are bits of social history captured in wool.
Exhibits at the Portland Museum of Art and the Peabody Essex Museum present Antarctica and the Arctic as seen through the eyes of explorers and artists.
An anthology of work by some of the best writers in the state.
Wilderness chaplain, single mother, writer: Kate Braestrup's memoir
Bear Bourguignon? Maple Moose Barbecue? Learn how to cook wild game at home from Kate Krukowski Gooding's new cookbook.
A proposed project on the Bagaduce could help power both MMA and the town.
DVD Review: Ice Blink: A Family Navigating Life’s Ice-Clogged Waters
Review: The Republic of Pirates - Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down
Reviews: Working The Sea: Misadventures, Ghost Stories, and Life Lessons from a Maine Lobsterfisherman, by Wendell Seavey
A book from Roger Duncan, the well-known author of The Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast.