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Awanadjo Almanack

Rob McCall lives way downeast on Moose Island. This almanack is excerpted from his weekly radio show, heard on WERU FM (89.9 in Blue hill, 99.9 in Bangor). It features his musings on the natural world and seasonal happenings.

Welcome Downeast

Clouds, seeds, and harvest time

Welcome Downeast

Mackerel and blueberries and rabbits foot clover

Welcome Downeast

Alewives, dandelions, and pollen

Welcome Downeast

The spring thaw, mud season, pussy willows

Welcome Downeast

Migrators, hibernators, and percussive woodpeckers

Welcome Downeast

Turning trees, hibernating critters, and a season celebrating light

Welcome Downeast

Asters, cooler nights, and pumpkins

Welcome Downeast

Flight on bright and hopeful wings

Welcome Downeast

Dandelion wine, salamanders, and bunchberries

Awanadjo Almanack — March/April 2023

Stacking wood, turning toward spring, and so many birds

Welcome Downeast

A blizzard, an ermine, and sleeping trees

Welcome Downeast

Stone walls, witch hazel blooms, and plaid hunting hats

Welcome Downeast

Autumn vines, apple harvest, migrating warblers

Welcome Downeast

Summer camp, earwigs, and weeds

Welcome Downeast

Pollen, peonies, island camping