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Awanadjo Almanack

Rob McCall lives way downeast on Moose Island. This almanack is excerpted from his weekly radio show, heard on WERU FM (89.9 in Blue hill, 99.9 in Bangor). It features his musings on the natural world and seasonal happenings.

Welcome Downeast

Melting ice, swelling birdsong, and red maple flowers

I’ll Never Forget What’s-His-Name

Observations of the natural world, daily life, theology and literary quotes

Welcome Downeast

Migrating geese, an aggressive turkey, and light in the dark

Welcome Downeast

Autumn, pileated woodpeckers, harbor seals, and pumpkins

Welcome Downeast

Fledgling crows, cherry tomatoes, and jellyfish

Welcome Downeast

A spring collection of shadbush, hummingbirds, mourning cloak butterflies, and pastures.

Welcome Downeast

Winter's critters and a time of slumber

Welcome Downeast

Maize, Thanksgiving & the coming Winter

Welcome Downeast

Autumn harvest and a dose of imagination

Welcome Downeast

Damselflies, summer blooms, and Rowan trees.

Awanadjo Almanack - Issue 164

Baby seals, ospreys, blooms all about

Welcome Downeast — Issue 163

Foxes pounce, baby chicks hatch, everything turns toward spring

Welcome Downeast — Issue 162

Geraniums in a winter window and other signs of hope.

Welcome Downeast — Issue 161

Acorns, wild turkeys, and signs of snow

Awanadjo Almanack - Issue 160

It's fall and that means wild fruits coming into their own, and hunting season.