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New. Found. Land.

Remote, mysterious, and beautiful, Newfoundland has much to offer summer travelers.

Animal Visions

Artist Dan Falt is known for his beguiling wooden animal sculptures.

The Joy and Heartache of Maine Farm Life in the 1960s

Writer Ronald Joseph remembers life on the family farm.

The Case of the Missing Mussels

Where have all the mussels gone? Rocks once covered in clinging blue bivalves are bare and biologists are hoping to learn why.

Friendship, Art & Commerce

Two recently single women forge a friendship, and gain new insights about themselves.

An Ode to a Tiny Shingle-Style Cottage

A little house perched on the rocks in Vinalhaven is a delightful example of rusticator architecture, writes architect Henry N. Cobb.

James Fitzgerald: Monhegan Modernist

Monhegan has inspired many painters, including James Fitzgerald. This year the island’s art museum turns 50 and a new book celebrates Fitzgerald’s work.

Good Reads — Issue 152

Summer reading ideas

Beneficial Bugs

When planting your garden, think about ways to encourage beneficial bugs.

Granite Companions

Sculptors Kazumi Hoshino and Jesse Salisbury work from the local to the international—from the coast of Maine to an island in Japan’s inland sea—turning granite into works of art.

Lakeside Poetry

A funky camp on Great Pond is transformed into a year-round home with modern touches.

The Art of the Commission

Yes, you can do it: you can order up a special work of art—and contribute significantly to its creation.

The Artist and the Ardent Admirer

The complex relationship between an artist and an ardent admirer: collector Susan Myers and painter Paul Rickert.

A House of Many Woods

Paul and Jula Sampson make their living selling wood products to the builders of fine homes, so it was only natural that when they built a new home, it included more than 35 varieties of wood.

Fitz Henry Lane Painting in Searsport Museum

A Fitz Henry Lane painting joins the PMM collection