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Summer of My Next Bear

Writer Todd Nelson says all his neighbors have seen the bears; why hasn’t he?

Writer's Retreat

After years of writing stories on the fly, a journalist builds her perfect writing studio.

How Herman Melville Still Shapes the Gulf of Maine

Two centuries after his birth, Herman Melville’s writing about the ocean still resonates.

Back When Fat Was Fabulous

Back in the days of sail, fat was a valuable commodity.

Preserved In Stone

During Maine’s great age of sail, several prominent mariners were immortalized in larger-than-life stone sculptures. Today these impressive monuments are poignant reminders of people who helped to shape the state’s maritime economy.

Meet the Makers

2019 Maine Boat & Home Show primer

The Moses Perkins House

An “extreme makeover” of a historic 19th century house focused on one section of the home’s interior, but left the original exterior and elegant gardens essentially untouched.

Hewes & Company: Pedestrian Bridge

A luxury high-rise walkway has maritime origins.

Slab City Rendezvous

In the 1950s, a group of big-city artists established a creative enclave in Lincolnville for cohabitation and collaboration.

The Last Word — Issue 158

Reflections on spring and summer by photographer Cig Harvey.

EEL of Fortune

Salmon farming may be just the tip of Maine’s move into aquaculture. The latest trend: growing elvers into big fat eels.

The Art of Lynn Karlin

A self-described “vegetable paparazzi,” Lynn Karlin creates still lifes as well as profile portraits.

Fish, Nature & Tradition

Three sporting camps: Grant’s, Lakewood, and Bosebuck Mountain, have been luring “sports” to western Maine for over a century.

Artist Alison Rector

Painter Alison Rector is known for interior views—light-filled spaces, both public and private.

Richmond Island’s Pot of Gold

The story behind a pot of gold and silver coins found years ago on Richmond Island is a fascinating tale of early Maine.