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Issue 188 Table of Contents

May/June 2024

Freshwater Renaissance
Born in Maine’s inland watersheds, an increasing alewife population leads to a cultural revival during their annual spawning run.

Characters of the Allagash
A Wilderness ranger recalls a typical working day’s encounters in Maine’s northern woods.

Youthful Adventures in Maine Antiquing
Ten cents here, a few dollars there, Maine’s State Historian began to amass his collections as a boy, one antique shop at a time.

A Great Lakes Boatyard Dog

Big Bash in Belfast
300+ student sailors travel to the Atlantic Challenge 2024 event

New Electric Lake Tender
Waterskiing, tubing, and commuting—a new Stephens Waring design will do it all for a longtime customer and island dweller.

Fishing for Maine
Spawned by necessity during the pandemic days, Fishermen Feeding Mainers has evolved into a statewide nutrition program that continues to feed hungry mouths and support local waterfronts.

There and Back Again
A seasoned angler is drawn to the small streams in Maine’s western woods, where he learns to keep things simple.

Krisanne Baker and the Sea
An artist and a snorkeler, Baker is also a snorkeling artist.

Wherries and Swallows and Amazons
Smitten by the idea of easy freshwater rowing and sailing adventures, a salty sailor ponders two small boat designs, and in the end settles on the light weight and fine lines of a Penobscot Wherry.

Blue Hill’s Red Boathouse
A century-old Blue Hill boathouse has been home to an array of fine sailing and power yachts, and remains in use today as a haven for small craft.

Cobbosseecontee Lake: Storied Shores
Long a Central Maine summer retreat, Cobbosseecontee Lake has a growing year-round community.

Women, Sports, and the North Woods Camps
As the allure of the Great Outdoors grew in prominence in the late 1800s, Maine’s sport camps and guides sprang up to cater to the new notion of vacationing.

Storm Recovery, Sailing Feats, Waterfront News
A survey of maritime spring news

Maine’s Inland Waters Buoy Brigade
A hard-working team of three watermen maintains aids to navigation in lakes statewide.

Camp Wyonegonic, Denmark
A summer camp flotilla from the 1930s

Welcome Downeast
Alewives, dandelions, and pollen

David Conley
Views of the Allagash from a Registered Maine Guide

Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Issue 188
Issue 188 | May/June 2024
Volume 37 | Number 3
Click the cover image above to view the digital edition online.
On the cover: Jim Hippler and nephew Charlie Hippler enjoy a high speed ride on Jim's 1957 Chris Craft Contintental 21' on a beautiful September morning on Cobbosseecontee Lake.