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Press Release - Aug 14 - BYD Winner

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Press & Media Info For immediate release - August 14, 2007 Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Announces the Winners of the 2007 World Championship Boatyard Dog® Trials

2007 Boatyard Dog Trials winner,
Kylie Davis. Photo by Jeff Scher.
Rockland, Maine: Eight canine contestants and their people showed off their skills (and their senses of humor) during the 2007 World Championship Boatyard Dog® Trials, held before a record crowd under cloudless skies during the fifth annual Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show, held in Rockland, Maine, August 10-12, 2007. The new World Champion is Kylie Davis, a border collie who was first runner-up in the hotly contested 2006 trials. Kylie returned this year to bow-wow, dazzle, and ultimately win the coveted Pup Cup. Her repertoire of spins, leaps, weaves, and jumps, all choreographed to surfing music by the Beach Boys, won her the title. When not competing, Kylie holds down a day job at Journey’s End Marina where she has been promoted to Chief Morale Officer. Her handler was Michelle Davis. “I had a really good run this year against very some stiff competition,” Kylie said. “All the other dogs were really great, but nobody spins the way I can. Plus, I really wanted to win for my mom—it was her birthday!” Kylie added that she plans to take a few weeks off, then she will begin training again in earnest in September. Next year, she said that she would have a whole new routine worked out.” Second place went to Kelvin and Cody Penn, a dynamic pair of Chesapeake Bay retrievers. Their “Chessie Water Ballet” wowed the crowd, as did their swimming abilities. They declined to comment on their routine for next year, saying only that they had “big plans.” Last year’s Defending Champion, Soldado Woollett, a dog rescued from the island of Culebra in Puerto Rico, came in a close third place. Trying to hide her disappointment, she said, “I did my best, and even though I didn’t win the Pup Cup this year, I am now the unofficial World Champion Lobster Crate Racer, Canine Division. I crossed 44 crates without falling in—that definitely counted for something. I’ll be back.” This year’s champion will be featured in Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine’s popular Boatyard Dog® column and will keep the cherished revolving Pup Cup for one year. Each competing dog was awarded a collar decorated with artwork by renowned artist Eric Hopkins, courtesy of Hopkins and The Belted Cow. The contest was based on three simple rules: either the dog or handler must finish completely soaked; cheating was not only tolerated, but encouraged; “there were no other rules.” Judges were Dr. Bjorn Lee of PenBay Veterinary Associates in Rockport; Lucinda Lang, Spaniel Aficionado; and Holly Sherburne of Downeast Dog News. Terry Bregy of Down East Books served as emcee. Next year’s trials will be held on Sunday, August 10, 2008 during the sixth annual Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show. Interested dogs should tell their people to visit for entry information. The Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show is an annual event held on Rockland’s waterfront in Harbor and Buoy parks during the second weekend in August. The 2007 show was the fifth annual, and saw record attendance of 13,000 over three days of beautiful weather. Some 70 boats were on display in the water plus another 30 on land, and 9 tents were filled with fine furniture, marine gear, architectural displays, artwork, crafts, gifts, clothing, and housewares. The 2008 show dates will be August 8-10. Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine, the premier magazine about life on the Maine coast, is celebrating its twentieth anniversary. Noted for its eclectic and award-winning coverage of all aspects of coastal living, the magazine covers everything from maritime matters and natural history to boats, homes, fine art, and food. Published out of nearby Camden, the magazine has loyal subscribers around the world and more than 100,000 total readers. The company’s website features exclusive, web-only content that is updated daily and weekly, plus information and content from both the print magazine and the show. Click here to view an image gallery showing Kylie's winning ways. Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors—In Print. Online. In Person.™ Whether it’s in print in the pages of the magazine, in person on the Rockland waterfront on a perfect August day, or online at, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors delivers the best of the coast of Maine. For more information: Mary Carey, MAINE BOATS, HOMES & HARBORS SHOW; 207-236-8622; Click here to view the show contact page. Media Contact: Leila Murphy, 207-236-8622 High-resolution images are available for download: