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Can't Get Enough of Whalers?

So, you can't get enough of Boston Whalers? Explore the history of the Whaler, share in one Maine artist's first Whaler love, and take a journey in half (yes, half) a Boston Whaler to Texel at the North Sea. Check back soon for MBH&H prize winners and photo galleries.

Maine artist Eric Hopkins remembers his first Boston Whaler.

A history of the beloved Boston Whaler by Bill Mayher.

Video: A journey in half a Boston Whaler from Kempers Watersport Aalsmeer to Texel at the North Sea.

2015 Boston Whaler Rendezvous at the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show

Check out the prize winners and photos from the 2015 Boston Whaler Rendezvous at the Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show!

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