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The Maine I Love

Photo slideshows by people who love Maine. Click on the image to view the photos and learn about the person who took them.

The Maine I Love — Jay Perrotta

Travels around the state of Maine with Jay Perrotta.

The Maine I Love - William Trevaskis

Maine people and scenes from photographer Bill Trevaskis.

The Maine I Love - Dan Bookham

Coastal scenes from photographer Dan Bookham.

Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show 2017

Three days of handcrafted products on the Rockland waterfront.

The Maine I Love — Wayne Hamilton

Photographs of the coast by the man behind Hamilton Marine.

The Maine I Love — Tyler Fields

Images of the Maine landscape by photographer Tyler Fields.

Back When “Working Waterfront” Meant Just That

Photojournalists preserved these scenes from the midcoast Maine working waterfront during the 1940s through 1970s.

The Maine I Love — Heather Perry

Images of summer in Maine, on the water and at camp, by Heather Perry.

Grandeur on the Lake

A Kezar Lake mansion built in 1908 had deteriorated by the time the current owners bought it in 2012. Instead of tearing down the historic house and starting over, they brought it back to life.

The Maine I Love - Jane Kurko

Views of Maine by Jane Kurko.

The Maine I Love - Alexander Sanger

Alexander Sanger, a summer resident of North Haven, is an avid painter, photographer, and writer.

The Maine I Love — Ryan Burnham

Scenes from Maine by Ryan Burnham.

2016 Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Show Image Gallery

Scenes from the 2016 August show

The Maine I Love - Susan Metzger

I am a painter and a photographer. There is a common thread running through both mediums. One feeds the other. I shoot primarily in film on vintage cameras. I love how it slows everything down, how it is deliberate and meditative.