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From Whence We Came

Evinrude, Bishop & Strange: The inventor, the adventurer, and the artist
Classics in Their Own Way: Carl Alberg, Joe Richards, and Alf Loomis.
Rudyard Kipling, Winslow Homer, and S.S. Rabl: one poet and a pair of realists.
Thomas Fleming Day, Lady Anna Brassey, and Edwin Tappan Adney: Author-adventurers all
A Commoner Who Sailed with Royalty, a Boatbuilder, and a Designer Better Known for His Writing
From Hornblower to the Sea Scouts: Forester, Kent, and Lane
A yacht designer, a cartoonist, and a novelist.
A trio of fine writers: two champions of small boats and one of adventure and romance.
A poet, an historian and a forgotten man.
The first in a series of short biographical sketches dedicated to remembering those who influenced how we respond to boats, ships, and the sea.