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A Tipsy Rooster and Horse Whispering

The writer recalls the time the family’s rooster got drunk, and his grandfather’s winning ways with draft horses

Welcome Downeast

Winter's critters and a time of slumber


Middle school students build an Inuit Umiak and learn confidence and skills


A decade-long rebuild of a classic Irish yacht

French & Webb Levant 15

A fixed-keel sailboat designed by Chuck Paine and built at French & Webb

Hunt Ocean 63

The latest offshore cruising yacht from Hunt Yachts

Sunbeam V

After a long refit, Sunbeam V’s return is ray of sunshine for islanders

Calvin Beal 42

A bigger boat for a lobsterman who moved his operation farther offshore

Back Cove 39O

The 39O cruiser is a bigger version of the 34O, Back Cove’s first outboard model

Hood 57 LM

A custom motoryacht from Hood, Lyman-Morse, and Stephens-Waring

Ellis 28

A midsize sportfishing boat that breaks from convention

Wesmac Super 46

An extra-wide version of Wesmac’s standard 46-footer

Wheeler 38

A tale of Hemingway's yacht and reverse-engineering


A “Resto-Mod” project from Yachting Solutions—a hybrid of restoration and modification