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Welcome Downeast

Alewives, dandelions, and pollen

Storm Recovery, Sailing Feats, Waterfront News

A survey of maritime spring news

Big Bash in Belfast

300+ student sailors travel to the Atlantic Challenge 2024 event


A Great Lakes Boatyard Dog

The Maine I Love - Chrisso Rheault

Moments of light and reflection

Boat Projects, an Amazing Cat, Dredging

The working waterfront, new boats builds, and a cat tale

Welcome Downeast

The spring thaw, mud season, pussy willows

The Scream

On his first trip aboard a sailboat, a crewmember learns about the perils of sailing to a schedule and the captain realizes the importance of a thorough briefing.

Mud Time: A Meditation

You can choose to curse it or survive it, but once thing’s certain: Maine’s Fifth Season will have you cleaning your boots.

Cool Ride in Belfast

A winter ride in the New Harbor 28

Kira the Keepah

An English Lab on a paddleboard

Welcome Downeast

Migrators, hibernators, and percussive woodpeckers

Pumpkins, boats leaving town & a new editor

Boatyard news and one large meteorite