“As an interior designer I see things differently. There is beauty in everything around us—we just have to look for it. Photography has long been a passion of mine, especially black and white. For my 12th birthday I was given a Kodak Brownie Camera and it was off to the races. Nothing was off limits: my family, friends, pets, and, of course, Mother Nature. But it wasn’t until I had my first child that I found subject matter that I really wanted to be perfect. By then I had upgraded to a Bronica Medium Format camera and I was in heaven. When digital came on the scene I couldn’t quite get on board, and I quit taking photos. Then along came the iPhone and I was off to the races again. Recently, I have been inspired by scenes on the waterfront and from the ferry to and from Islesboro.”
The Maine I Love - Deborah Chatfield
Photographs and text by Deborah Chatfield
By The Editors
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
Photograph by Deborah Chatfield
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2023 Maine Boat & Home Show
Join Us for the Maine Boat & Home Show!
Art, Artisans, Food, Fun & Boats, Boats, Boats
August 11 - 13, 2023 | On the waterfront, Rockland, Maine
Click here to pre-order your tickets.
Show is produced by Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine.