Letters to the Editor - Issue 123
Issue 123
Morris Rosenfeld,
courtesy the Hinckley Company
Issue #122, Winter 2013, arrived today. Congratulations on your 25th! I quickly ripped off the plastic cover and starting leafing through it, as I do each time MBH&H arrives. On the contents page, my eyes immediately went to the photo of the unmistakable Hinckley B40. Holy mackerel, I thought, that’s Jaan! I raced to page 36, and there Jaan was, the yawl of that name with a baby blue hull and #1527 tattooed on the main and spinnaker. It was one of a series of Jaans, each named for Henry Hinckley’s daughters Jane and Ann. I believe that is Hank Hinckley at the helm. He was six feet tall and about 150 pounds, so the profile fits. I’m not sure where the photo was taken but it looks to be on pretty open sea with other sailboats under spinnaker in the background.
David Woodbury
Worcester, Massachusetts
and Bass Harbor, Maine
And More Memories
Thanks for the wonderful bit on John Gould in your Anniversary issue (“A Letter from Matinicus” by Eva Murray, MBH&H #122). For much too short a time I was John and Dotty Gould’s next-door neighbor in Friendship; we shared many evening ice cubes and stories together.
One sunny Saturday, I drove up their little road and John was sitting in front of his barn, whittling on something. I stopped to admire his fabulous crop of sweet peas in full bloom and noticed a sign on the side of the building that read “Exhibit of Art Today.” I asked about it, and John said, “Oops” and turned the sign around to its other side, which read “Art’s Day Off.” Vintage Gould.
I went to visit John and Dotty when they had moved to assisted living in Rockland, toting with me his latest (and one of his funniest) effort: Tales From Rhapsody Home, or, What They Don’t Tell you About Senior Assisted Living to be signed. His tales of fighting with his keepers and the system are a great read.
Fraffie Welch
Marblehead, Massachusetts
Bring Gizmo Back
I turn to the back of the magazine first thing to see where Ben Ellison has been adventuring in his Gizmo. I’ve also made use of his “Gunkholing With Gizmo” columns when cruising the Maine coast. I trust that his absence from the Winter issue [MBH&H #122] was just a one-time thing?
Smithson Crowell
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Never fear, the column will be back soon, written by Ben and a few guest columnists, and perhaps under a new name. –Eds.
Maine Digital Boats, Homes & Harbors?
I’m a snowbird—summers in Michigan, winters in the Florida Keys. I never remember to call and change my mailing address, and I hate it when I miss an issue of what I think is the “best little mag around!” Do you have any plans for an iPad edition? I and many of my sailing buddies can’t live without our devices now that we have them.
Phil Starkton
Oakhurst, Michigan and Florida
We are pleased to say that we do now have a digital edition available. It can be viewed on a desktop, laptop, or iPad. CLICK HERE for more information and links. —Eds.