Boatyard Dog - Issue 123
Ruling the Roost
By The Editors
Photo by Terry BurrowsWe wonder what’s going on here. Did the sweet sound of a can opener being operated below in the galley perk Cady the Dog’s ear? Is Smokey the Cat warming up next to the Charlie Noble? Or did they just have a sibling-style spat? Despite the standoff apparent in this photo, we are told that the pair coexist quite nicely aboard their summer home, a 30-foot Nonsuch Ultra, homeported in Rockland, Maine. It surely helps that Cady loves to wear a life jacket and to ride around in the dinghy with a loopy grin on her face. Cats being above such frivolity, Smokey loves what Cady loves, because it gets Cady off the boat and out of Smokey’s sleek grey hair. He much prefers to nap…err…stand watch while the rest of the family is ashore. It is, after all, a catboat.

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