A Letter from the Publisher - Issue 122
Issue 122
By John K. Hanson, Jr.

John K. Hanson, Jr., publisher,
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Inc.
From 1987 to the present, 25 boat-besotted years.

John K. Hanson, Jr., publisher,
Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Inc.
From 1987 to the present, 25 boat-besotted years.
Capturing the Magic
We’re still not getting it right. Twenty-five years ago, in early autumn, we published the first issue of Maine Boats & Harbors, (its current name, with the addition of “Homes,” came many years later, and how it came is a different story). I wanted to create a magazine that would capture the magic of living on the coast of Maine, of living a boat-besotted life. I wanted a magazine that would build on the traditions of Maine, one that would tell the unique stories that are Maine. After 25 years, we’re still trying to catch that wisp of fog. I know it’s there, but I can’t quite grab onto it. I went for a sail the other night after work. It was a warm fall evening, and the breeze had moderated. No friends, family members, or colleagues could re-order their lives at such short notice, so I rowed the peapod out to the sailboat by myself. I headed for Owls Head and tacked back when I got to the lighthouse. It wasn’t a very long sail, but it was one of great beauty; lovely boat speed against a constantly changing palette of light. I was very much a better man by the time I picked up the mooring. There was an almost-full moon over my shoulder. My words cannot describe the peace and wonder of that little sail, just as our magazine efforts cannot capture the magic of life on the coast. But we will continue to try. I thank everyone—readers, staff, contributors, and advertisers—whose encouragements along the way have made our efforts of translation possible. Sometimes I read the magazine and find myself nodding, yeah, that’s right, that’s right, and I hope you do, too. I also hope that you will continue to encourage us to string more of those moments together between the covers of Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors. Thank you.
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2023 Maine Boat & Home Show
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Art, Artisans, Food, Fun & Boats, Boats, Boats
August 11 - 13, 2023 | On the waterfront, Rockland, Maine
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Show is produced by Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors magazine.