Letters - Issue 104
Issue 104

Ken Weinstein
Marblehead, Massachusetts
Known People, Unknown Projects The latest issue of MBH&H #103, February/March 2009, is outstanding, as per usual. Please pass my compliments along to Jennifer Wilson McIntosh on the “Boats of the Year” section. I always find it especially fun reading, because I inevitably find myself reading about projects I did not know about, being built by people I know.
Ted Walsh
Conway, New Hampshire
Comment on a Comment Thanks to Mr. Spectre for his erudite response to my comment in the Letters section of MBH&H #103, February/March 2009, on the title of the excellent column, “From Whence We Came.” It’s good to know whence you’re coming from.
Kent Mullikin
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
The Magic of Friendship Thank you for capturing the essence of Friendship in your story, “A Welcome Unwelcoming Town” (A Postcard in Time, MBH&H #102). It was my Dad’s ramp sign that you used to make your point. As a kid, going to Friendship to see my cousins was magical. The ride home after one of our Christmas Eve gatherings was where I first realized that the moon was following me. I knew I had “come from a far place and I was here to do great things.” All of this sustained me when I found myself living alone in Manhattan, sitting in Dublin waiting for my then husband to come home, and in Trinidad where I made a life for many years. Visiting my parents in Maine kept me out of therapy. My parents embody the timeless Friendship spirit. My mom was born there 70 years ago, and after years on Cranberry Island, they now live in Friendship, where my dad still operates a small barge and is indispensable to those lucky enough to have found him. We really appreciated your words and sentiments about this place we love. We always say Friendship ain’t very friendly. And we’re proud.
Kim Cleaves
Jefferson, Maine
Appreciation An especially nice Letter From the Publisher this last issue—it’s good to be grateful. I really enjoyed Martha White’s article too. E.B. [White] was a fave!
Robert Mitchell
Southport Island, Maine
Squirrels, Red & Black Rob White might want to visit the BBC’s website [www.bbc.co.uk] to learn more about squirrel invasions. Apparently black American squirrels that have escaped from British zoos are decimating gray squirrels in England. My son-in-law tells me that squirrel paella is delicious.
Morrisette Morrow
Monroe, Maine
The Art of the Nail I eagerly picked up your February/March 2009 edition, MBH&H #103, and admired the knockabout sailing hard over on the cover. Then I went on to read about all the new boats and boatyard news. I also enjoyed reading about John Masefield’s works, but then, Yikes! Welded nails and brads [the work of the artist John Bisbee]? Come on! If you must talk welding, how about a piece on welded steel or aluminum sailboats mebbe? Keep up the otherwise good work.
Harvey Smith
Hampden, Massachusetts
More Poetry Please I just finished reading the Spectacle Island piece by Joe Upton (MBH&H #102, Winter 2009). I’ve been a subscriber for years and this is the closest thing to real poetry I’ve ever read in the magazine. I hope you have plans to include additional writing by Mr. Upton.
Karl Thober
Framingham, Massachusetts
What’s New Online? We have posted the Boats of the Year 2008 section from last issue, in its entirety, as a digital magazine section with pages that turn and text that can be enlarged. New, web-exclusive stories by some of our regular contributors (Eva Murray, Janet Mendelsohn) are there, and the Awanadjo Almanack is now online too. And of course you can renew or give a gift subscription or six (hint, hint), buy MBH&H merchandise, and see what’s doing with coastal Maine weather and tides.