Maltese Falcon Model
Builder: Robert H. Eddy & Associates, Classic Yacht Models, 19 Neillehaven Drive. Camden, ME 04843. 207-236-6579;
Launch Date: Friday, March 30, 2007
Launch Location: Mulford Gallery, Rockland
Particulars:Master model-maker Robby Eddy created a 1/16”-scale model of the 289-foot (88-meter) clipper yacht *Maltese Falcon. The model, while only 18” long, took more than 2,100 hours to construct over the course of a year and a half. Eddy has been building models all his life. He started with building Revelle plastic models, then went to die-cast automobiles kits, and later on to constructing custom models of yachts and architectural display models. Aside from the many self-taught skills, Rob's work focuses on the overall job, documentation of the vessel, drafting, computer design, and wood- and metal-working. Eddy’s education was obtained at Nasson College and Wentworth Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.
Jamie Gallery
To learn more about the sailing megayacht, SY Maltese Falcon, visit the yacht's website at:
www.SYmaltesefalcon.com. You'll find information about the state-of-the-art sailing rig, see crew photos and more.
Information supplied by the builder. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. However, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors accepts no liability in the event of any errors of fact or omission.