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Photo Feature - Turtle Gallery

Turtle Gallery in Deer Isle: 25-plus years of special events, art openings, new shows, and guest lectures.

Bio - Everett "Red" Boutilier

Red Boutilier's photos become engrained in the consciousness of the boat world. His work records the boatbuilding industry of Maine's recent past and points the way to its present.

Schooner Polly

The Schooner Polly: A detailed account of the famous old schooner

Produce Boat - article

The Beth Alison delivers fresh produce to a host of harbors, rain or shine.

Adventures - Gizmo - Malaga Island

Gunkholing with Gizmo; Malaga Island

Adventures - Gizmo - Bucksport

Take a trip up the Penobscot River to Bucksport with Ben Ellison aboard M/V Gizmo.