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Issue 192 Table of Contents

January/February 2025

Anneli Skaar’s Island Whale and Other Remarkable Works
The Norwegian-American artist Anneli Skaar explores the world in her art and stories.

Books for these long winter nights
New reads on boats, art, and nature.

Camden Buoy Data to Drive Waterfront Decisions
Buoys collect localized wave and wind data for Camden Harbor in the hopes that town officials can make informed waterfront resiliency decisions.

Fishermen Salute Their Working Waterfront Dogs
A calendar from Maine Coast Fisherman's Association celebrates dogs

John’s Bay Boat Company
The 44-foot cruiser Vigilant is the latest vessel to be launched by Peter Kass and the crew at John’s Bay Boat Company.

The Art of Safeguarding the Shoreline
A landscape architect teams up with seasoned rock sculptors to build a Washington County seawall designed to weather future coastal storms.

The Maine I Love—Photographs by Sean Graves, Mark Pillsbury, and Jennifer McIntosh
Three Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors staffers weigh in on what they love most about Maine.

The Schooner Hindu Sails Again
The extensive refit couldn’t begin until Rowan and Desmond built a timber-frame shop large enough to accommodate the project.

Wisp: A Timely Launch
Artisan Boatworks wraps up construction of the Spirit of Tradition Wisp in record time.

3D on the Beach
A Portland area start-up company makes 3D surfboards out of recycled fishing nets.

A Home-Built Canoe Sows Seeds of Adventures
With help from family and friends, a fledgling boatbuilder pieces together a strip-planked canoe.

Boothbay, the Town Beyond Boothbay Harbor
The town of Boothbay’s botanical gardens, bays, and shoreside preserves make a trip down the peninsula by boat or car well worth it.

Fix It, Share It!
Maine GearShare provides a gear library for outdoor activities

Friends on a Winter Day in Rockport
A snowy 1949 scene from Maine photographer Kosti Ruohomaa.

Keeping it simple with the handsome Maggie-Ann
Peter Buxton launches the Maggie-Ann, a traditional wood lobsterboat, for a Port Clyde owner.

Matinicus Ferry Honors Penobscot Nation War Hero
The newly launched Matinicus ferry honors a decorated veteran and member of the Penobscot Nation.

Mildred Burrage’s War
A Maine artist’s volunteer efforts and posters helped to make World War II shipbuilding work in South Portland safer for women laborers.

MJM Makes Performance a Priority
MJM describes its new 42-foot Express Cruiser as a Carolina Downeast-style poweryacht.

New Cat, New Buoy, New Patrol Boat
Winter news from the coast.

New Dark Harbor 20s
Lyman-Morse updates Islesboro’s Dark Harbor 20 fleet with three composite hulls.

Solar-Power Catamaran Takes Shape at Front Street Shipyard
Front Street Shipyard builds a sun-powered prototype catamaran.

The Southport 38 FE Is the Talk of the Dock
Southport Boats launches its biggest center console yet, the 38 FE.

Two Irish Designs Launched by the Apprenticeshop
The Apprenticeshop in Rockland launched two racing one-designs for an Irish sailor.

WA Fasteners Feeds the Fishermen
WA Fasteners makes the nitty-gritty products for lobster traps (and more).

Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors, Issue 192
Issue 192 | January/February 2025
Volume 38 | Number 1
This issue can be purchased online or at newsstands.
Select content will be posted at a later date.
On the cover: Wisp, a Spirit of Tradition-style sailbot designed by Stephens Waring Yacht Design and built by Artisan Boatworks, flies through sea trials on a blustery summer day.