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The History that Lies Beneath

A shipwreck and the tides of history.

The State of Aquaculture

As demand for seafood grows and wild stocks decline, sustainable aquaculture is starting to look like the future, both along the Maine coast and inland where fish are being raised in indoor pens.

Growing Fish, On Land, In Tanks: It's State of the Art

If aquaculture has trends, then recirculating systems are the latest, hottest trend; they are popping up in many parts of Maine.

Aquaculture Recipes

Salmon, mussels, oysters, and kelp - we're just getting started. These recipes will take your taste buds on a savory adventure along the Maine coast.

Farmed Seaweed Expands With New Products—Kelp Kimchi, Anyone?

The market for farmed seaweed, kelp in particular, has been growing fast.

Scallop Farming: Young, but With Huge Potential

Scalloping farming is in the early stages. While the start-up costs are high, the potential payoff is equally big.

Salmon Farming has Come a Long Way From the Early Days

Raising salmon in pens has come a long way from the controversial early days.

Maine-Grown Oysters Have a Well-Earned Reputation for Quality

Maine oysters are in demand. There are now more than 100 farms along the coast.

Farmed Mussels Thrive as Wild Population Declines

The state’s first aquaculture lease was for a mussel farm back in 1975. Since then the industry has become well-established.

The Bateau: Forgotten Workhorse of Maine’s Rivers

A utility boat from Maine's logging era.


A trip to a town along the Kennebec River

The Bygone Era of the Prim & Proper Bathing Suit

A look at how people hit the beach in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Rice Brothers’

Of the 15 lightships surviving in the United States, three were built in Maine by the Rice Brothers Corporation in East Boothbay.

A Year in the Life of a Lighthouse

In 1953, Betty Brown and her husband Dude spent a year as keepers of the Pond Island Lighthouse at the mouth of the Kennebec River.

Ocean Health

Researchers are learning about whale health by studying poop, mucus from blow holes, baleen, and more than a million photographs.