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Issue 99 Table of Contents

Maine Boats Homes and Harbors Magazine, Table of Contents, Issue 99, May 2008

A Letter from the Publisher - Issue 99

Teaching our children the lifelong joys of a life spent with boats.

Boatyard Dog - Skipper - 99

Boatyard Dog: Skipper, From Away - Issue 99

Boatyard Dog - Glacier - 98

Boatyard Dog: Glacier, of Steuben - Issue 98

Letter from the Publisher - Issue 98

Middle of the fleet. Back of the pack. Bringing up the rear. (At least I play well with others.)

Issue 98 Table of Contents

Maine Boats Homes and Harbors Magazine, Table of Contents, Issue 98, March 2008

In the Lee of the Boathouse - Issue 97

Issue 97 - Talking Boats, the Greenest College in the World, and the Orneriest, Nastiest, Most Fiercely Independent Gents on the Coast.

Letter from the Publisher - Issue 97

Twenty years ago, I wrote this letter to kick off our very first issue.

Issue 97 Table of Contents

Maine Boats Homes and Harbors Magazine, Table of Contents, Issue 97, Winter 2008

Lyman Morse, Green Building

Boatbuilding in a 22,400-square-foot state-of-the-art , energy-efficient and environmentally responsible “green” building

Yurt - William Coperthwaite

William Coperthwaite may have the answer to the mortgage market troubles—build a yurt.

Great American III

Great American III, 2008 Vendee Globe competitor, launched in Portland

Lee of the Boathouse - Issue 96

Issue 96 - Fund-raising as a competitive sport, talking like a pirate, and the Brazen Theft Division, Caught in the Act Section.

Boatyard Dog-Halley-96

Boatyard Dog: Halley - Issue 96